Sunday, April 29, 2012

Not a Slacker

Ok, beloved fans. Yes, it has been a day or two or three since I have posted to my blog. No, I am not a slacker. There's this thing called "life" that got in my way. I hate it when that happens!

Today was the perfect day. I went to church. Came home and took a 3 hour nap. Went to get burritos with my family. Played the first round of tennis for the season. And capped it all off sitting by our firepit. Now it's time to reflect back on the week and see what lessons I've learned.

I learned that even though my son is almost 16, when he gets hit with a baseball in a place that doesn't feel good, all other parents still look at me in judgement because he isn't wearing a cup. My son owns a cup. He even owns the cup holder. I bought both of them for him. I don't think I should have to text him each day with a reminder to "Have a good game. And protect the family heritage."

I learned that once a co-worker gets on your nerves, he/she is almost always on your nerves. I'd like to be the person who can forgive and forget, who can move on with life, who can shrug certain things off. Maybe next week I'll learn how to do those things.

I learned that cranberry and vodka are very good together.

I learned that online weight management programs still charge you a monthly fee even when you haven't signed on during the month.

And I learned if a pizza place doesn't have pepperoni as one of it's options for toppings I shouldn't spend $12 there for lunch.

Stay tuned for more life lessons. I have to go trade out laundry now so my son's baseball uniform will be ready for tomorrow. I hope he remembered to wash his cup holder.

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